Puppy information
How much for a Puppy?
Let me say a few words to you, yes you, the person who writes an email to simply ask the price. The person who calls and after hearing a price surprisedly states: “I can buy a cheaper pup elsewhere”. I also address you; the person who doesn’t care about papers because I want “just a pet”.
Let me REMIND you: No dog is “just a pet”.
Behind every pure bred puppy/dog is a BREEDER. I’m using capital letters to differentiate a breeder from a pet factory or mill. A reputable breeder does not breed dogs without papers, that does not protect the integrity of the breed. Registration (papers) are records of lineage that document bloodline and allow one to research any possible health issues present in the lineage. When you tell a Breeder you don’t care about papers what you’re really telling them is you couldn’t care less about the health of the puppy you just want the cheapest thing you can find! When you select to buy a puppy from a reputable and quality breeder, this breeder is responsible for the health of every pup ; both dogs owned and every pup they’ve sold for its lifetime. This breeder will skip holidays, miss sleeping, and most of their personal house space has been turned into space for their dogs . The truly passionate breeder who loves what they breed, puts their whole heart and soul into it. Not only in puppies that are sold, but also in each client who owns a piece of their heart and now is a member of their extended family. This does not take into account any puppy/dog who might get sick or need extra help to thrive. Breeders worry about their babies after they leave and will take one back without question.
A breeder will get their hands dirty, often covered in everything accompanied with birthing. Because that’s what life is about…In the middle of birth and death is life. The wheel that keeps turning. A breeder will do tests, echos, xrays, analysis, emergency c sections, vaccinations, register litters, research pedigrees, deworm, as well as microchip their puppies and get them evaluated by specialists.
Last but by no means least, a breeder CHOOSES the family lucky enough to have one of their puppies. Yes, you read that right. A true breeder chooses who they sell to because they are not making money off the sale. There is no compensation that can offset the investment a Breeder has made so they need to be confident its the right fit. Many times saying more no’s then yes…A good Breeder will have different criteria for those wanting to carry on their bloodline, why? Because breeding is not a responsibility to ever be taken lightly, it’s a lifestyle choice set aside for ONLY the few devoted people willing to sacrifice.
Because a dog is never “just a pet” it’s the Breeder’s legacy, a little boy’s best friend, a little girls protector, an elderly persons therapy, a member of the family, someone’s whole world!!!
Written in part by: Sr. Eduardo Loredo Muller
Translated into English by: Angel Sophia Nogga
Modified for dogs by: Amber French
Potential Puppy Owners
Our wishes to potential puppy owners
Please do your homework before considering buying any puppy or dog. If you decide, a Whippet is the right breed for you, your family please do your homework all over again, and this time specifically related to Whippets. Please read our information on breeding and how we go about it.
If you have got this far and you are still interested in meeting me and my dogs, I am a serious registered breeder with a big heart. We, that`s my family and I, are very particular about giving our puppies only in the very best of homes.
Please don`t forget that those cute little puppies will grow up. When they are grown up. It may make a puddle or a pooh on the floor at the beginning. If you don`t put your shoes out of reach “he” will chew them or even something more valuable!
He needs to go out 4 or more times every day (as a puppy up to 8 times) whatever the weather. He will come home muddy and wet, if he`s had a good time.
If your beautiful floors at home are slippery, you must cover them with old carpets or a non-slip flooring to avoid joint damage. Your chintz sofa should be covered with an old blanket, because at some time you`ll come home and your Whippet will be lying on it. He may dig holes in the garden big enough to bury a bucket. When he`s older he needs some sort interesting activity.
You have this responsibility for probably 12-16 years. Are you really up to it? If so please continue.
Our puppy buyers can rely on us for a dog’s lifetime support. We accompany and guide all our puppy buyers whatever the problem is. We are honest and very outspoken people and we are looking for the same type of person for our puppies. If things don`t turn out to be how they should be, will have no hesitations in reconsidering our decision to sell.
Puppy Selection
I have explained under breeding why I, or we together, choose the right puppy for you, here I will gladly go into more detail.
Of course, like all good breeders, we strive to bring the right puppy together with the right family. That is why it is so important that we get to know each other better and that both sides need to ask many questions. When you come to visit, we are therefore very attentive, and usually have an idea very soon who could fit whom, sometimes puppies and owners find each other on their own. It is also very helpful to know in advance if you, are interested in showing later or want to be involved with a certain sport activity.
Please keep in mind that as a breeder I have a breeding plan and therefore 1-3 puppies are reserved for my goals, but who they are will only become apparent around the 6-7 week. On your first visit, you can still love all puppies equally. The final decision whether and who to whom will be made at a later date.
Male or Female it really doesn’t make any difference unless you have another dog already. You want a particular gender because you want to breed. You live in a street with dominantly one gender. All puppies are unique and have individual personalities that is mostly not gender related. Spaying and neutering, it is illegal under the Animal Protection Laws “Tierschutzgesetz” in Germany to spay or neuter any animal without a convincing medical reason. We will not sell a puppy to a potential owner that already wishes to do the procedure at a later date. Chemical neutering from a male is painless and allowed – “Reversible, non-permanent hormonal implant Chemical Castration“. It has been proven over many years of studies that the disadvantages considerably out way the advantages.
For more information look here (just german language): https://www.poetscorner.de/vdh-zuechterseminar/
We observe the puppies very carefully from day one and have a form diary about their behaviour and disposition, discovering new thing and very day challenges. Nothing is more important to us, as that our puppies go to the “right home”! That they and their families have a long and happy life together.
This is why we always pick the puppies with you. Our puppy testing (Volhard Test ) at 6,5 weeks is just to confirm the observations and done by another pair of experienced eyes.
Puppy Nutrition
Breeders get bombarded with dry dogfood offerings from companies that claim to have the best of the best. I have a great deal of experience and have spent years analyzing different dogfoods and methods of feeding from all over the world, trying it out and watching exactly how whole litters develop.
I have attended countless seminars gaining information about various forms of feeding. I raised litters with different foods. You develop and find out what is best for your own puppies. As a breeder you have to stay absolutely open, sometimes it just doesn’t fit. At the time when I had an average of seven dogs, I sometimes had two or four different foods. As with us humans, some things just do not agree with us, although they are paper the best.
I have fed 2 brands over the past few years, but I also give my dogs raw meat, blanch fish, fruits and vegetables. What I do not feed and what I attach great importance to my dogs or puppies: No grain!! – Even in treats, I take great care that there is no grain here.
You are what you eat
My puppies are whenever possible fed by their mother for the first three to four weeks. After that weaning starts, puppy milk from Royal Canin, not supplementing her own milk but mixed with ground spelt oats (a kind of Ur-wheat) that doesn’t cause allergies is normally their first thin porridge that can be, if necessary, fed from a bottle. Depending on the size of the litter and how much milk the mother has, we start with puppy milk, potatoes and carrot spelt porridge, going on to the Prebiotic Starter Puppy, after they have learned to lap themselves. During further development, when they are allowed to eat a variety of different foods, the puppies receive dry food, raw red meat, poached fish, curd cheese, buttermilk, yoghurt, balanced minerals and vitamins, also fruits, vegetables and a little cooked sauerkraut for good gut culture. You can find out more in a personal conversation. The dry food that we offer to the puppies is also the same as what they get when you pick up your puppies.
Why don’t I tell which one? Quite simple – I know what I would like to feed, but that’s not always what suits the litter. I feed my own dogs Platinum Natural, a different kind of-dry food, and Wolfsblut. Both dog foods have a meat / fish content of 65-70%, that I’ve been feeding since 2005! The fresh meat is only bought from local organic farms and of course the puppies get large uncooked meat bones when teething. We do not give our dogs any nibbles from an uncertain manufacture. Please be aware that a lot of this chew and treats are manufactured in Asia. There is also no need to buy such chews that can also be quite dangerous. Special rootwood or big unswallowable bones raw that don’t splitter are the healthy option – we are happy to help you choose when the time comes.